About Us
MeDUSA is your medical society that represents you!

First established in 2008 by it's founding president Caroline Bate, MeDUSA aims to support all Deakin medical students and enhance your medical student experience. From academic advocacy and policies to community involvement and enormous social events, we aim to provide the best possible experience we can for our student body.
MeDUSA’s advocates for students in various aspects of their medical curriculum. This includes student representation within committees of the School of Medicine (SoM), such as the Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC) and Student Advisory Board for the Faculty of Health. Additionally, MeDUSA networks with other organisations and stakeholders relevant to your medical career such as the Australian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA), the Australian Medical Association (AMA) and the Postgraduate Medical Council of Victoria.
MeDUSA has regular meetings with curriculum theme leaders, as well as the Head of School. The committee is structured to include members from all year levels. This ensures that all cohorts are equally represented and student concerns are addressed appropriately. MeDUSA also endeavours to provide students with valuable online resources, which can be utilised by students at all clinical sites.
MeDUSA has a growing number of special interest subcommittees, which encourage like-minded people to explore particular areas of medicine and health together. In addition, we have close relationships with other health organisations such as Universal Health at Deakin (UHAD), General Practice Student Network (GPSN) and Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Medicine and Allied Health at Deakin (NOMAD).
MeDUSA is a non-profit, incorporated organisation that is registered with the Department of Consumer and Employment Protection. As such, MeDUSA abides by a constitution and a set of register of resolutions. These documents include details about the MeDUSA committee structure, election processes, annual general meeting requirements and the responsibilities of members. These documents can be requested from the MeDUSA Secretary, so that you, as a member of the student body, can further your understanding of the functioning of MeDUSA as an organisation.
Committee Structure
Our Sponsors
MeDUSA acknowledges the kind and generous support from all our sponsors:
Official Documents
- Emergency Budget Policy (2018)
- Money Matters Policy (2018)
- Subcommittee Event Subsidy Policy (2017)
- TCSS Policy (2017)
- MeDUSA Equality Policy (2017)
- Membership and Discount Policy (2017)
- Travel Subsidy Policy (2016)
- Refund Policy (2016)
- Sponsorship Communication Policy (2016)
- Charitable Event Donation Policy (2015)
- Return to Members Policy (2015)
- No Payment Gets Missed Policy (2015)
- AMSA Council Payment Policy (2015)
- Recognition of Student Contribution Policy (2015)